21 mar 2015

Top 10 Inventions

Since the biggining of the 20th century we can find a lot of improvements and inventions, but im going to give my own list of the 5 best:

· Internet: In my opinion the most important. It can be used for sharing information, entertainment or even search news. Since 30 years ago, the 'net' have increased its number of internauts by people, thats like a 60% of actually total world inhabitants.
· Computers: From its origins to now, they have been compacted 7 metres from each side, so thats a huge comparation referring, for example, to the first computer used by the nasa, that weigth more than 1 tone. Its graphics and procesator make us a easier way of life
· Airbag: This improvement was created by a normal men that suffer the crash of his car, and all his family died except him cause of the accident. He creatd this compact pill of air that notice where was a strong hit in the car.
· Microwaves: Now a days its common to have our food hot in 2 minutes, but 100 years ago, you would had to prepare a fire, then take the food and also try to not cook so much it. This simple but effective invention uses technology developed by Sovietic Russia and then first used by USA in this compact furniture
· Compact Memories: 3Million of songs in only 7mm2, thats normal in our time, but some years ago, 10 songs used a card of 10cm2, that's the improvement of compacticty, and also, micro chips, that let us wear on all our information without disturbing us

Finally, i must talk about Electricity, that amazing discover that makes our lifes easier.

I hope you enjoy this article :)

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