27 abr 2015

Extreme animals

All people think that extreme animals are lions, crocodiles or sharks, but referring to nature, even a little ant can be mortal. Now we are going to talk about 3 curious animals that are in this ranking because of its pecuriality.

1. Giraffe: This animal is known of being the taller specie in the world, getting almost 6 metres tall! His neck is too long because some million of years ago all the savannah was plenty of hervibores that eat all the grass of the ground. Giraffes evolved to take the leaves of the trees due to the shortage of food. The skin, like many of the african animals, is decorated to camuflate on the yellow straw.

2. Fly: This name is gaven to a big group of species in the insect world. Perhaps, it's the most common insect in our lifes from the existance of the humanity. Commonly, flys live between 15-25 days. Their Litter are 'Grubs', Who are usually used to activities like fish. Basically, the use of these animals in nature is for delete corpses of any specie (including humans).
The problem with these animals is that they can transmit 'miasis', an infectation of our body by parasites. The last thing is that flyes were honnorated in some cultures like Egypt

3. Rattlesnakes: Also known as 'Crotalus', this peculiar type of snake is one of the most demanded in the world, due to his skin and his special tail. His venom can kill a child in less than 20 min. There's an antidote that in most of the cases it works perfectly.
But the thing that made this snake famous is the rattle that it has at the end of his body used to advert danger and that it's going to attack.

I hope you enjoy this article ;)

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Juanan!
    The summary about extreme animals is OK! But you didn't do in time ( 4th May) the topic we dealt with in class on Tuesday 28th April, "Abandoned Pets". Besides, you have to write about "Storytelling with cubes" we played last Tuesday 5th May. The last day to do it is 11th May.
    Your English teacher,
