21 mar 2015


Referring to Museums, there's one near Ciudad Rodrigo that was proclamed Patrimonio de la Humanidad in 2010. It's an Outdoor Museum called Siega Verde.

Siega Verde is an prehistoric museum that contains around 200 rock graves, and it was discovered in 1988 by Manuel Antoja. Siega Verde is in the side of River Ageda, thats the reason of prehistoric people live there: the water. Living near a river was an advantage, because there were a lot of types of animals, like we can see in the graves. We can find deers, buffaloes or even rhinos. This meuseum can be visited by the night, where with the help of lanterns, we can appreciate better the figures.

Referring to activities, this museum have the opprtunities of 'hunt' or create a fire like they do.
Using flint, or using a rude bow and a stick, You can easily create a small fire. You can also create your spearhead by crashing flint pieces. It's amazing how they survive!

I like visit museums, but this is the one that i liked the most!

I hope you enjoy this article :)

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