14 dic 2014

Christmas in USA

Christmas is the festivity wich celebrate that Jesus was born. To celebrate this period, we use to decore our houses with many symbols, and we also spent time with our family. Probably, the most famous Christmas sybol is St. Nicolas, commonly known as Santa.

House decored with lights
House decored with lights
Christmas is a period of celebration and happiness, and we usualy decore our houses fot showing it. We use bells, stockings, snowmans, pinetrees, wreaths, hollys, Stars, Candles or even nativity scenes too, but we know that we are in Christmas when all the city is decored with ligths.

In Christmas is tipical to met with our family. Its also tipical having a big meal on december 25th, composed by ham and turkey. Families usually make some sweets, like gingerbread men, candy canes or eggnog. It's common to decore the pinetree in family, and if you have money you can watch a theatre play, like the 'Nutcraker ballet'. If you are chrsitian, you can go to celebrate Christmas with a candel  on 24th december. In USA, its common that 'Santa Claus' gives presents to good childrens, going sown by the chimney and leving them under the pinetree.  

I hope you enjoy this article :)

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